A Piece Consciousness means A Lovely and Fresh Environment

Nawrin Sultana (Luna): Recently some pictures of some public universities campus and tourist spots of Bangladesh have taken our attention. On these pictures, some pictures show that during the time of COVID-19, the natural beauty of some places have come back with flowers, trees and leaves. On the other hand, some people make some funny pictures with endangered animal by saying that these animals are also come back again in these time because they feel very relaxed as human being cannot do any harm to them. Though these pictures can say thousands of words but I would like to say on sentence that, at the end of the day all pictures and natural changes send us a message that human being are harmful for environment and they are creating harm for environment.
We should feel same on our unconscious deeds. From childhood we came to know one common matter that two places should be clean and pure form any places else. Those places are educational institutions and religious places or pilgrims. But now we clean or pilgrims or religious places but make impure our educational institutions especially this is a very common seen in higher educational institution. But in early age at pre-primary or primary level of education kids maintain hygiene and cleanliness in their classroom or school by following different kind of regulations there. But when some of them are grown up, they should make other people aware instead of doing wrong deeds.
Unfortunately the scenario is very negative and different in our country. And as I am student of University of Dhaka, I am telling about the cleanliness of my University campus. Open smoking, throwing garbage, plastic bottle here and there do not using the trash bin is very common here by thinking that the cleaner man will remove it. But thinking for the environment has no place on their mind as they are the students of highest educational institutions in our country. Rules breaking for environment by creating an immeasurable harm to the environment in the long run seem to smartness for some people. When another friend trying to make those people aware or concern about not to do those, then the wrong doers pinch, make fun or laugh at him. And this is the bitter truth on the point of saving and spoiling our natural environment.
Now the point is how can we make aware these blind people with eyed? As we know that all students are matured in university level and well-educated and reputed people go to visit the tourist spots in our country. So it will be overlapping to make those people again inform about responsibilities and doings for environment. But we can raise or awake their sleeping conscience, rationality, and ethics and virtuous through some projects like short poems, cartoons, posters are here and there or around the trash bin of university campus and tourist spots.
We all know that university and tourist spots are reflect the highest exorcisms and merits of a society and nations. But if we fall behind in these sector by destructing our environment by some of our wrong deeds and carelessness, then the reputation of our nation and country will lag behind on global perspective and as we love our country before the birth of its sovereignty, so obviously we cannot let this happen. Clean environment means pure and safe country, earth, nation, healthy generation and a piece of imperturbability and fresh breath.
(The writer is a student of Institute of Education and Research, University of Dhaka and a participant of National Environmental Writing Contest 2020. She can be reached at nawrinsultana.luna@gmail.com)