People Face Water Crisis in this Summer in Khulna

Ashik Rahman: The shortage of drinking water is turning into a major problem in summer because there are no deep tube wells in the groundwater level in Khulna. People in Khulna city and five Upazilas’ of the Khulna district face serious water crisis this summer.
Officials of the Department of Public Health Engineering (DPHE) claim that around at least 2.5 million people of Khulna city and Dighalia, Dumuria, Rupsha and Batiaghata Upazilas’ became sufferer.
Officials of DPHE said to different media that groundwater level declined by 21 feet on an average in the five Upazilas in the economic year 2012-2013 while it declined by 26 feet in 2011. For this reason, people in numerous areas of these Upazilas’ need to depend on undrinkable pond water.
Some water experts said in media that “scanty rainfall, poor navigability and extreme use of underground water were the main reasons behind the fall.